السبت، 7 يناير 2023

HTML & CSS Crash Course_ Learn html and css with easy to follow-step-by-step tutorials


HTML & CSS Crash Course_ Learn html and css with easy to follow-step-by-step tutorials 

Learn HTML & CSS with the Ultimate Crash Course on HTML and CSS!

Learn Fast With Step by Step Instructions - in one easy to follow Book!

Are you ready to take on the web and start building html web pages and css? Do you want someone to show you the exact step-by-step ways to create HTML web pages with fancy CSS style sheets? If the answer is “YES”, then this crash course book is exactly what you need in your programmers toolkit!

We live in a fast paced and constantly changing technological era. To survive and flourish you need to master both fundamental and diverse coding skills. Imagine having a firm foundation in HTM & CSS so that you could easily build and create nice looking web pages. Can you imagine if you knew how to create styled web pages including colored backgrounds, tables, images, book and even web sites with built-in audio and video players? This would open up many new frontiers dramatically enhancing your productivity - while making you more employable and 
keeping your clients happy

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